Welcome to niu:viu inter­national


Welcome to niu:viu international Consulting & Coaching 

We offer a range of coaching and consulting services to help senior leaders tackle the top challenges of today’s complex business world. Our experienced coaches and consultants will work with you to identify key areas for development and set up a focused plan to help you achieve your goals and drive business value. Here are some of the top challenges we can help you address

Leading through change | 
Our coaching and consulting services can help you navigate business and organizational change and lead your team through it successfully.

Building high-performing teams | Building a high-performing team is essential for success in today’s business world. Our team coaching services can help you build a cohesive team that works together effectively.

Developing leadership capabilities | Effective leadership is the main driver of thriving organizations. Our executive coaching services can help you develop the leadership skills you need to succeed.

Navigating cultural differences | For leaders taking on international assignments and teams from different regions and cultures working together: our coaching solutions with focus on culture and collaboration can help leaders and their team understand and leverage cultural differences for effective team results.

Aligning HR processes | HR processes are essential for the success of any organization. Our People Advisory services can help you strengthen talent development and improve employee engagement.

At niuviu international, we believe that coaching is essential for unlocking the full potential of senior leaders, their teams and organizations. Contact us - we look forward to having an initial conversation about how we can support you.


