Executive Coaching


Executive Coaching is characterized by a focus on yourself as individual in the professional context you are in. It helps to gain new insights, make decisions, enhance your own perspective and provide clarity for direction and action. In these 1-1 conversations, we jointly look at the three major aspects of your context: 1. yourself, 2. your organization and 3. your role, this is where you as a person and the organization you work with meet.


Executive Coaching can provide support when a change is imminent. It may refer to various situations of a leader in transition, such as

  • Changing from a functional into a general management or first leadership role,
  • Taking over leadership for a new team, a different organization,
  • Moving countries or regions and finding themselves in a culture that is new and unknown,
  • Aspiring to change careers, transition into a new professional and personal life phase
  • Other situations where a leader feels that an outside-in perspective could support their clarity and decision-making.


The most important aspect for a fruitful coaching process is collaboration between the client and the coach based on trust and openness. Thus, our initial conversation is an opportunity to get to know each other, and to discuss how my coaching offer could be a match to your requirements and to achieve your goals.

In the preparation & agreement phase, we discuss your goals and context for the coaching and agree on an approach to the coaching, including  timeline, evaluation and further relevant aspects.

Once the coaching agreement is set up, the coaching process can start. In today’s virtual business context, and even more so when coach and client may be in different parts of the globe, our coaching sessions usually take place online. If you prefer face-to-face meetings, we can talk about this during our briefing and contracting discussion.

Our coaching sessions will be joint conversational explorations, where my main role will be to support you in your sense making, as you move towards your goals and actions. We will discuss alternative options, potential obstacles and other aspects that turn out to be relevant. Be prepared to reflect on a variety of questions, and to go deeper on your perspectives.


In today’s fast evolving world, it may be that during the coaching engagement, priorities change, or new topics emerge that need discussion. We will keep our conversations flexible and re-contract as and when necessary, to make sure that the coaching provides you with the most effective outcome and insights relevant to you.
